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  • Имя пользователяMariofut
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Размещено Сб Июл 02, 2022 11:22 am
  • icon Страна Страна: Россия


Too many times to count, right.
Aphorisms often use metaphors or creative imagery to express ideas.
Here’s a classic Japanese saying for you.
If you can do something, then you need to do it for the good of others.
He once stated, It is better to be alone than in bad company.
People often use this quote when discussing health, but Franklin was talking about fire safety.
Why is this stuff important.
Pick an aphorism that relates to your message and use it to stay focused on your overarching theme.
They’re inspirational quotes.
Both sayings highlight the benefits of waking up early.
Because let’s face it, perseverance is the key to success in life.
It’s become one of the most viral memes on the internet.
We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.
Interestingly enough, this saying was initially intended as a compliment.
Skilled writers use aphorisms to evoke big ideas in a relatable way.
Build a storyline around that saying.